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"[T]his book is a joy to read…. The tone is perfect for every tale….The book is quite wonderful..." Rainbow Book Reviews


"Readers will be in awe of Daniel M. Jaffe's collection of boundary-breaking and strangely intriguing short stories….brilliant…sensual and hilarious queer stories…challenging conventional beliefs."  Los Angeles Book Review


"These are entertaining stories … addressing issues of queer aging, community, and the hilarious societal responsibilities of being a 'sex angel.' Jaffe's tales will appeal to a broad audience and keep readers rapt throughout. A volume of fun, absorbing, and contemplative tales." Kirkus Reviews


"Challenging and exquisite,…Daniel M. Jaffe's charming short story collection Domestic Affairs depicts tender and erotic relationships between men in a variety of locales. With wit and warmth, Jaffe pulls off daring and playful experiments with form and genre.  [T]he book boasts exquisite prose leading to surprises and moments of devastation." Foreword Clarion Reviews


"[A] very thoughtful and inspired collection of stories that will resonate with readers in the gay community and beyond." Out in Print.


"'Domestic Affairs' is a masterful exploration of American masculinity that will entice, astound, and amaze readers from all walks of life. Daniel Jaffe's keen insight and storytelling prowess make this collection a must-read for anyone interested in the human condition and the myriad ways we define ourselves in a rapidly changing world." Alan R. Warren, Host of the House of Mystery Radio.